Monday, June 11, 2007

Our Man in Iran

I've come across this picture a few times, and I think it's well worth posting. Ah well, he was a good tyrant while he lasted...

The Shah was 'our man in Iran' until he was forcibly removed during the the 1979 revolution after a mass uprising prompted by his absurdly decadent lifestyle paid for by Iranian oil, and the ruthlessness with which his secret police, the SAVAK, dealt with demonstrators. Unfortunately for most Iranians, the regime that took the Shah's place was not exactly what they were hoping for.

In any case, this is an amusing little piece in light of the controversy that surrounds Iran's current nuclear hijinx...

For a good article that deals with post-'79 Iran's rebuffed attempts to acquire peaceful nuclear technology, through legal channels, see this article at the Middle East Report.

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